Download links include lists for both Kana and Romaji.
Super Lite Contains the bare basics to be considered a VoiceBank, but lacks some of the less common but still frequent phonemes that voicebanks should possess.
Lite Still only contains basic phonemes, but includes a lot more than Super Lite (i.e compound vowel phonemes) and expands upon a few of the phonemes.
Standard Adds a few extra phonemes not native to Japanese words, but commonly used in music.
Thorough Adds lesser-used and redundant sounds, such as "consonant + ye" and "wu".
Extreme Contains Japanese phonemes I've never actually seen being used and adds unused sounds such as "consonant + yi".
Extra To be used in conjunction with any of the other above reclists. Adds consonants from other languages, end breaths, glottal stops, vocal fries, and in the case of CV, VV support.
「fa」or 「ふぁ」- English F sounds
「ra巻」or 「ら巻」- Rolled R
「rra」or 「ラr」- English R
「la」or 「ラl」- English L
「zha」or 「ジャ」- English zh, as in "Asia"
「tha」or 「サt」- English th, as in "Thick"
「dha」or 「サd」- English th, as in "This"
「nga」or 「ナ」- Ng (as used in Tagalog)
「a a'」or 「a あ'」- Vocal fry (NOT USED IN CV)
「a a・」or 「a あ・」- Glottal stops (NOT USED IN CV)
「a-」or 「あ-」- Breathless vowel ending
「ahh-」or 「あ息-」- Breathy vowel ending
「a'」or 「あ'」- Vocal fry vowel ending
「a a」or 「a あ」- VV support (CV ONLY)
NOTE: In VCV and CVVC, vowel endings are to be recorded with a pause in between, represented by "_".